10 Simple Ways to Increase Height After 18


Human body grows and achieves its height during growing years which generally end by the time you become 18 years old.

In some cases growth is seen after 18 years too. If you have not gained optimum height and you are past your growing years do not lose heart.

All is not lost already. You can try following exercises and add few vital additional inches to your height and gain more impressive personality.

With the help of right diet and height increase exercises you can grow taller after 18 naturally.

Here is the list of easy top 10 exercises for girls for height increase after 18.

  • Forward bend exercise is good way how to grow taller after 18 for female. This stretches spine from top to lower joints and improves posture. Sit on the floor with legs stretched forward and close together. Now stretch your arms and hold your toes. Bend your head forward to bring it close to knees or thighs. Try to bend and place your forehead between your legs. Hold the position and sit straight and repeat 5-10 times. It is one of the top 10 exercises for girls.
  • Forward bend is another commonly practiced exercise which is also a way how to increase height after 18 for female. Stand straight with feet close together and bend from your back. Try to place your palms over floor close to your feet bending your back and keeping legs straight. Hold the position, return to starting position and repeat, do 5-10 times in one session this is one of the effective height increase exercises.
  • Horizontal bar hang is most common way how to increase height after 18 in 1 month for female. While hanging on the bar pull your body up till your chin touches the bar or is at same level. Go down and repeat 8-10 times in one session.
  • Halasana in Yoga provides an easy way how to grow taller after 18 for female. This yoga pose is beneficial for health in various ways. Lie straight on your back and lift your feet keeping legs straight roll over till your toes touch the floor behind your head. Keep your arms on the floor straight all the time. Hold this position and return to starting position and repeat. This is useful exercise for height increase after 18.
  • Super Cobra stretch helps in stretching spine. Lie on your stomach and place your palms close to your shoulders. Now press the floor with palms and lift your upper torso arching backwards. Once your body is fully arched tilt your head backwards stretching your neck. Hold this position and come back to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times it is effective way how to increase height after 18 for female.
  • Pelvic shift is one of the top 10 exercises for girls. Lie straight on the floor and bring your heels close to your buttocks. Now lift your middle part upwards till your entire bodyweight rests on your feet and shoulders. Stay in this position for a minute and return to starting position, repeat again. Regular pelvic shift strengthens joints of spine and low back and increases height. 

  • Hopping on one leg is another exercise that stretches spine and leg muscles and help to grow taller after 18 naturally. Perform this exercise with hand and leg of alternate sides. Try to touch your knee with your elbow when you perform this exercise. 
  • Downhill is a pose that stretches every joint of back. Get down on your palms and feet bending your back forming a reverse V. Hold this position and stand straight. Gradually increase the duration and repetitions. This too is reliable exercise how to increase height after 18 in 1 month for female. 
  • Dry swimming is very effective for increasing height after 18. Dry swimming stimulates muscle and tissue growth and brings measurable increase in overall height. Lift leg and arm of alternate sides and hold this position for few seconds, change sides and repeat 10-15 times. Gradually increase the duration of dry swimming. 
  • As dry swimming water swimming is also great for gaining height even after 18 years of age. Swimming demands stretching of limbs which promotes growth of bones and tissues. Regular swimming works as useful way to improve fitness and also better height in a short time. 
Best Grow Taller Supplements

Along with these exercises use of Long Looks capsules ensures positive results of your efforts to increase height. 
  • These pills come with herbs that naturally promote release of growth hormones and increase bone size. 
  • These pills also improve muscle mass and bring measurable increase in overall height
  • Long Looks capsules are safe and harmless these are safe for young growing girls and for adults and do not cause any adverse effect on health. 
  • These pills due to herbal nature can be used without any medical prescription. 


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